Providing asset owners a self-management solution for structure inspections and maintenance


Minimum numbers and establishment costs may apply. All prices are +GST (10%)

We provide asset management solutions for local goverments and other asset owners to self-manage their structure inspections and maintenance works. With over 25 years experience in bridge inspections, we can provide expertise in training, coaching and mentoring for struture maintenance inspections (level 1) and structure condition assessments (level 2) on a variety of structure types.



Routine Maintenance Inspection (Level 1)

A routine maintenance inspection is a visual assessment of a structure which identifies any maintenance issues, safety hazards and any potential structural defects associated with the structure. Our level 1 training is targeted towards Roads Inspectors, Leading Hands, Plant Operators and general Construction and/or Maintenance Workers within a roads or bridge crew. The training material is delivered predominantly onsite at locations of your choice giving the attendees familiarisation and a known back ground on any performance or maintenance issues related to each structure.

There is a small theory part to the training in the morning which essentially is running through a work book outlining the fundamentals of structures and their components. The theory section generally takes approximately 90 minutes, leaving the rest of the for onsite practical training. Attendees may also choose to continue their training with an optional 3 month coaching program. The program includes weekly communications with the participant in where a series of peer reviews and feedback will take place on recently completed inspections. At the end of each week a summary and action plan will be developed for each individual.

*Minimum numbers and establishment costs may apply, all prices are +GST (10%)

Level 1 Course (1 Day)

$375 pp

3 Month Coaching Program

$975 pp


Structure Condition Assessment (Level 2)

Our Level 2 training course provides detailed inspection procedures and reporting requirements for assessing the overall state of a structure as well as each individual component. The training will cover competencies in making structural observations, populating a maintenance backlog, prioritising works, photograph and sketch recording, timber drilling surveys and scour surveys.

Like all our training courses this one is predominantly onsite training (practical) with only a small theory component. Participants may also choose to follow this training with weekly, fortnightly or monthly mentoring sessions, these are a great way to assist in implementing the skills learnt over the 4 day course. Onsite coaching is also available and a great way to assist with inspection of complex structures, structures in poor and/or unsafe condition or those which may require an engineering assessment.

Minimum numbers and establishment costs may apply, all prices are + GST (10%)

Level 2 Course (4 days)

$1875 per person

Field Assist Coaching

$75 per hour

Field Assist Coaching

$75 per hour

Refresher training

from $300 per person


Post Flood Inspections

Our post flood inspection training is specifically designed for a rain event where structures have been overtopped or have been subject to a significant increase in flow volumes. The purpose of a post flood inspection is to ascertain whether the structure should be opened to traffic or a further detailed Level 1 or Level 2 Inspection is required. During a flood event skilled resources are at high demand, so our training course has been developed to cater for a variety of personnel who may or may not be field based who can provide additional support to operation teams.

* Minimum numbers and establishment costs may apply, all prices are + GST (10%)

6 x Mentoring Sessions (45min each)

$450 per person


Professional Development

Our professional development coaching programs are future focused and results driven. We target the individual and not the carrer type, meaning our programs are suitable for people working in a variety of fields. The primary focus is on creating actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in ones work or personal life through action, accountability, and follow through. An individual or a team might choose to work with one of our coaches for many reasons, including but not limited to:
- Core strengths that need to be identified, along with how best to leverage them
- Assistance with stress management and work life balance.
- Performance management, loss of direction or a lack of clarity with choices to be made.

Level 2 Course (4 days)

$1875 per person

Field Assist Coaching

$75 per hour

Field Assist Coaching

$75 per hour

Refresher training

from $300 per person


Find all the answers here

There is some national consistency with state road authorities when it comes to the definition of a Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 structural inspection however the qualification behind it varies considerable from state to state. There is no formal qualification as such that deems someone competent to conduct a particular level of inspection however most state road authorities either have an internal process or an external course which are used to form competency. Ultimately it is up to the asset owner to deem appropriate training suitable to achieve competency within their team in order to manage the risk of their road network.

What is a Level 1 Inspection?
A level 1 inspection is commonly referred to as a routine maintenance inspection and is a visual inspection to check the serviceability of the structure, particularly for the safety of the road users, and identify any emerging problems. Level 1 inspections are generally carried out using a simple form in a tick and flick style format.
What is a Level 2 Inspection?
A level 2 inspection is commonly referred to as structure condition report and is an inspection to asses and rate the condition of a structure, identify current maintenance needs, modelling and forecasting future changes in condition and estimating future budget requirements. Level 2 inspections will involve a breakdown of each component by material and type and an individual condition rating given to each component.
What is field assist coaching?
Field assist coaching is where a BTM Technician is available on location for coaching, training or bridge inspection assistance. Field assist coaching can be carried out as one on one or as a group (maximum of 6 people per group). Coaching programs can also be developed for individuals or teams to form part of the client's quality management framework and/or employee career development pathways.
What is a mentoring session?
Our mentoring sessions are to assist experienced Technicians in building their depth of skills and to maintain quality and consistency with bridge inspection reporting. Mentoring sessions are also an effective way to assist Technicians through complex inspections and to achieve a comprehensive report for an engineering assessment or as a contract hand over inspection.
What if I can't find the training I'm looking for?
QuakeWrap Australia recognises that each client needs can vary depending on available resources, training budgets and time. That's why we offer a fully customised training plan to suit the individual needs of each client.